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      North America's third quarter titanium dioxide contract price will remain unchanged

      According to reports, sources on Tuesday confirmed that the contract price of titanium dioxide (TiO2) in the third quarter of North America will remain unchanged. For the first time in more than three years, manufacturers have failed to raise prices. According to ICIS, the contract price of titanium dioxide in North America Hold steady at 2.00-2.12 USD/lb. Since the fourth quarter of 2009, the US titanium dioxide contract price was 1.09-1.19 US dollars / lb. After that, the price has risen all the way, and the current price has increased by about 90% compared with three years ago.
      Some buyers said that the main reason for the failure to raise prices in the third quarter was that demand has not been strong so far this year and there is too much inventory. It is expected that demand will remain weak in the second half of this year. However, some paint manufacturers are still optimistic about the market prospects this year. A plastics compound manufacturer said that some manufacturers may seek to raise prices in October.

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